Briefly : Each day is going to be minted as a NFT and owners will be the DAO member to manage the IG page of Iranian Revolution calendar addressed at :

Main Points:

  1. We plan to launch the first round of NFT auction when we reach 150th day

  2. Each day will be minted once in English and twice in Farsi and in total there will be 450 NFTs

  3. The initial auction price will be 0.001 ETH (approx. 1.5$) and minimum reserve price set to 0.0035 ETH as Opensea wont allow us to set lower.

  4. 400 NFTs will be available for direct sale in auction and 50 NFTs will be allocated to :

    4.1. To creator and his team : 20 NFTs ( 10 to uncle SAM, 5 to Designer, 5 third uknown person)

    4.2. To those who have been mentioned in Calendar : 10 NFTs (E.g. Ali karimi, Masih Alinejad, Reza Pahlavi, … )

    4.3. To well-known twitter accounts : 15 NFTs (we will not reveal the names unless they are willing to admire themselves)

    4.4. To Well-Known Crypto activists : 5 NFTs (we will not reveal the names unless they are willing to admire themsevles)